Sunday, March 16, 2008

My New Room!!!

Sorry about those other two..but take a look at these pictures.. its the big room downstairs. Dad and Cindy did it for me while i was in bellvue competing for school.

hopefully you all have the imagination to put the walls where they go. but yeah.. thats my awesome room!! oh and we might be turning the old office into a theater room..

My New Room

My New Room

Friday, March 7, 2008

How do I?

How do I upload a video? Its in .mov format. Anyone know? Thanks, -Crystal


Love, Crystal

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hello!! Spring is on the way- hooray!

Hi family!! Hope everyone's doing well! : ) We have been busy enjoying the nice weather.. Spring is almost here!! Somethings we have been doing are- going for walks, jumping on the trampoline, playing foosball and basketball in the family room, painting, and decorating for Easter. We also got a new puppy (half Chihuahua half Doxen = "Chidoxie" !) We named her Tika after the Elephant in "Barbie as the Island Princess" She is so cute! We have to watch Stitch around her cause he literally tries to step on her- it's like the running of the bulls! ( or bullDOGS ha ha)
Memphis is enjoying Preschool after being sick for a whole week! We celebrated his Birthday with ashley Britt, and of course - Grandpa! he wasnt feeling too hot so we just kept it low key. It was a Star Wars birthday all the way with Light sabers, Storm trooper guns, and a Darth Vader birthday cake! Luke and I celebrated HIS birthday watching american idol with chinese food in our new king sized bed-- with sick little Memphis sitting between us! ha ha
Claire continues to be the queen of the coop here, and is such a good talker now! She is potty training, and gets chocolates if she uses the tiolet. Blue wrapper for pee and GOLD for poop. She is a chocolate FIEND and will pretend to potty just so she can eat the chocolate. : ) She makes us laugh so hard with the funny things she says and does. she really is a character! Lola is getting prettier and prettier every day, and looks so much like Luke's baby pictures! She is SUCH a good baby- always in chill mode. Lucky us! She rolls over now, and makes lots of cute sounds. She still likes to wake me up at night though!
Luke has been hard at work trying to get his new Primerica business venture going while working full time.. we appreciate all his efforts! He is such a wonderful husband and father!! The kids ADORE their Daddy, and Claire is in love with her daddy for sure! I have been watching a five month old full time, and a nine year old girl after school every day now for extra money, and let me tell you- i now know what it would be like to have twins! the baby I watch is only a month older than Lola! My days are VERY full now with Preschool, babies, potty training, puppy training, Modbe, and housework! not ime to RELAX.. I am hoping we have a few good road trips somewhere this ummer where I can realx... maybe to Clint and Ra's new pad? : ) That's all for now folks!! Love u all!!